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How to Qualify Foreign Nationals for U.S. Life Insurance

All Foreign National Life Insurance applications are underwritten on a case by case basis. For instance, each life insurance carrier follows a distinct set of guidelines when processing an application. Nonetheless there are some guidelines that remain universal amongst the top-rated U.S. Life Insurance carriers. The following is a summary of the universal guidelines for non-resident applying u.s. life insurance.

General Foreign National Guidelines for U.S. Life insurance

  • The insured must hold a valid U.S. Visa
  • The insured must reside outside the United States for more than six months (183 days) a year.
  • The insured must have meaningful connections to the United states in the form (Real Estate Property, Investments, Business, and Travel)
  • The insured must hold a minimum worldwide net worth of $1 Million.

A foreign national seeking U.S. life insurance must somehow comply with the guidelines listed above in order to qualify for U.S. life insurance protection. In addition to these underwriting guidelines, the country of residence and travel habits of the applicant are also important factors in determining eligibility. A foreign national may not be eligible if they reside or travel to certain high-risk countries. More importantly when qualifying foreign nationals for U.S. life insurance, working with a qualified agent who is familiar with the complexity’s and unique requirements of the foreign national market insures the best outcome possible for the applicant.